Angus cattle in Czechia

Go to Short history to learn about how Aberdeen Angus breeding began and developed in Czechia.

Continue here to find out about the breeders who will welcome you at their farms during Farm Trips.

Sat 9 Sep

Angus Farma Rančice

Milan Šebelka
Rančice 3, Kamenný Újezd, 370 07
+420 605 777 474

Black and red Angus

160 heads, 70 mothers

Following in the footsteps of his family, Milan Šebelka has embraced a legacy that spans centuries. The Šebelka family has owned their farmstead since the 17th century, except for a period of nearly 40 years when it was expropriated during the era of agricultural collectivization under the communist regime. However, after the fall of communism, Milan, accompanied by his family, returned to their home determined to resurrect the farm from its severely damaged state. Today, the primary focus of the Šebelka family's endeavours lies in ecological farming, specifically dedicated to the cultivation of purebred red and black Aberdeen Angus. Their ultimate goal is to produce and offer high-quality breeding bulls and heifers to the market. Additionally, the farm specializes in the production of crops and cereals, and manages a sizeable 10 hectares of forests. To unwind, the family enjoys horse-riding, taking full advantage of their own stable and an outdoor arena.

Sat 9 Sep

Angus Farma Pěčín

Vladimír Lepša, Sr.
Pěčín 11, Trhové Sviny, 374 01
+420 603 879 796 or

Black and red Angus

270 heads, 90 mothers

‘Among the best breeders in the Czech Republic’. The remarkable achievements of Vladimír Lepša, Sr., and his sons, have garnered attention in online farming and local news. A testament to their expertise and success is the fact that six bulls from their Pěčín farm have secured spots in the top ten list of the most expensive bulls ever sold in Czechia. Vladimír's affinity for land cultivation was already evident during his early career in wood processing. In 2002, he ventured into farming as a hobby, starting with six Aberdeen Angus cows imported from Canada, and six hectares of pastures. Cattle farming soon captured his heart, prompting him to bid farewell to his wood processing career and elevate his hobby into a fully operational and highly efficient family farm, now managed alongside his two sons. Today, they herd mostly red Angus spread over 300ha of agricultural land. Unsurprisingly, their exceptional breeding have earned them numerous accolades and awards.

Sat 9 Sep

Borovka Angus Farm

Daniel Borovka
Chlum 73, Křemže, 382 03
+420 777 763 663

Black and red Angus

100 heads, 35 mothers

Sixteen years ago, Daniel and his family embarked on breeding Aberdeen Angus cattle, initially purchasing six cows purely for their joy. This joy quickly transformed into a deep passion.

They specialize in breeding purebred red and black Aberdeen Angus, prioritizing balanced physique, impeccable udders, and well-formed limbs, alongside noble facial features and a contemporary breed type. By closely following global trends, they incorporate influential practices into their breeding program. Recently, the family have invested in Canadian embryos to enhance their herd with new genetics, building upon their previous importation of Scottish genetics. Their focus now extends to producing and supplying high-quality beef to customers and restaurants in the region, or to Prague and other major cities. Active participation in exhibitions has earned them notable acclaim. Jan, Daniel's son, brings back valuable experience from working on renowned farms worldwide. Their unwavering commitment lies in breeding pedigree cattle and delivering superior beef.

Sat 9 Sep

Kalliste farm

Rupert Fritzenwallner
Dolní Dvořiště, Trojany, 382 72
+43 664 531 2768

Black Angus

110–150 heads, 55 mothers

In 2013, Rupert's family acquired the Kalliste farm, followed by the purchase of a historic farmhouse in 2014. This farmhouse, previously an inn, is now their residence and event space. Situated in the lush meadows of the southern Bohemian Forest, Rupert's family raises Aberdeen-Angus and Pinzgauer cattle on year-round pastures. Their young cattle herd, a mix of Czech and Scottish lines, is still growing. They've introduced animals from North American and Argentine lines for improved grass performance and calving ease. The goal is a medium-sized, early-maturing Angus suited for both cold winters and hot summers, emphasizing matanal values over carcass values. The cattle feed exclusively on grass, hay and haylage from the farm, resulting in finely marbled meat with a rich flavor from diverse local grasses and herbs. The delicious meat finds ist destinations in the family’s hotel and restaurant in Salzburg in the Austrian Alps. To enhance the natural soil cycle, the farm uses a compost tea with microorganisms made in a special machine, aiming for optimal soil health and balanced plant growth. The farm also breeds robust, meat-focused sheep by crossing Romney/New Zealand genetics with Meatlinc rams. The lamb is featured in their Austrian restaurant too.

Mon 11 Sep

Radhostice Farm

Ing. Jan (Honza) Kofroň
Libotyně 13, Čkyně, 384 81
+420 777 600 513

Red Angus

250 heads, 80 mothers

Nestled in the picturesque foothills of the Šumava mountains, the extensive upland hills provide a home for the eye-catching red Angus cattle. Honza Kofroň, driven by his lifelong dream of becoming a farmer, brought this vision to life. Seizing the opportunities presented by changing agricultural conditions after the fall of communism, he established Farm Radhostice in 1992. Initially focusing on milk cattle for over a decade, Honza eventually recognized the suitability of the Angus breed for the exceptionally infertile upland areas. With their striking red hue and inherently calm temperament, red Angus became the breed of choice. Honza transferred the first embryos from the USA and Canada into Simmental dairy cows. However, since 2014, his herd has exclusively consisted of purebred home-reared Angus, with a preference for Canadian genetics and embryos utilized for natural insemination.

Tue 12 Sep

Statek Zbyslav

Martin Nejld
Zbyslav, Plánice, 339 01
+420 776 660 741

Red Angus

120 heads, 60 mothers

What do theatre acting and Angus farming have in common? Martin Nejdl. He is equally passionate about both. Although he still enjoys the occasional stage performing, farming makes more sense to him. This decision stems from his strong familial ties to farming and the promising prospects it offers, in contrast to a career in the arts. Martin embarked on his farming journey in 1998, joining forces with his father and brother to acquire their first set of purebred red Angus heifers for his father's farm in Kvaslice. In 2011, Martin bought the neighbouring farm Zbyslav, nestled just beyond the hill. He established his new herd from animals by successful farmers, Vladimír Lepša and Milan Šebelka. Martin finds immense joy in betting on genetics and the subsequent rewards that come from breeding and showcasing the animals. Currently, Martin and his family direct their focus towards genetics from the USA and Canada while simultaneously expanding their efforts in rearing breeding bulls and heifers. Their newest venture is the Wagyu breed.
Tue 12 Sep

Angus farma Kvaslice

Zděněk Nejdl
Kvaslice 4, 339 01 Klatovy
+420 739 519 239

Black Angus

114 heads, 50 mothers

Zdeněk Nejdl, along with his dedicated family, has cultivated a remarkable herd for rearing pedigreed bulls and heifers, showcasing their exceptional livestock at national competitions. Zdeněk’s Angus journey traces back to 1992, following the return of ancestral farm lands that had been confiscated by the communist regime. Six years later, the Nejdl family began the establishment of their Aberdeen Angus herd through the acquisition of five prized heifers. The breed's latent genetic potential convinced them that it was the perfect fit for their upland farm in Kvaslice, nestled in the scenic expanse of Šumava mountains. Their commitment led to a growing herd, particularly in-house female breeding stock, while expanding their pastoral domain. The pedigree heifers and bulls exemplify robust musculature, vitality, gentle demeanour, equilibrium, and exquisite conformation. The farm's responsible agriculture is affirmed by the Ecobio certification, attesting to ecological and organic practices.
Tue 12 Sep

Farma Zlatá Kráva

Ing. Radovan (Radek) Sochor
Železný Újezd 27, Nové Mitrovice, 335 63
+420 602 182 664

Black and red Angus

180 heads, 90 mothers

Have you ever dreamt of supplying your home-reared beef to your own chain of restaurants and hotels? Radek Sochor did make that dream a reality. A studied agricultural engineer, Radek recognized farming as an age-old human desire and made it his life's aim. At Zlata Krava, his family enterprise, they prioritize the care of the land and landscape, ensuring that future generations can benefit from them as well. They specialize in breeding red Aberdeen Angus and graze them year-round on pastures and meadows on the edges of the Brdy region. From birth to slaughter and meat processing, they oversee their cattle, guaranteeing the quality of their diet, handling, and reproduction through natural means. Their farming practices meet the standards of organic agriculture. The meat produced on their farm primarily supplies their own three restaurants and two hotels. Additionally, they cater to small traders, restaurants, and individual customers.

Wed 13 Sep

Breze Farm

Petr Březina
Losiná 303, Losiná u Plzně, 332 04
+420 702 233 660

Black and red Angus

‘And because dreams are meant to be lived, we decided to fulfil ours.’ The Breze is a family company that started with a dream of doing things differently and a genuine enthusiasm for the idea of ecological farming and mindful breeding of beef cattle. They operate two eco-farms in Sobětice and Prunéřov. The cattle are raised with utmost care, spending most of the year grazing freely in pastures and wintering in modern highly automated stables with robotic bedding and feeding. Breeding occurs naturally with licensed Aberdeen Angus bulls. The farm has its own slaughterhouses to minimize stress on the animals, ensuring quick and painless slaughtering. The slaughterhouse also includes a butchery. The meat is aged for optimal quality and undergoes dry aging followed by wet aging in vacuum packaging. This process guarantees the meat's juiciness, tenderness, and flavour.
Wed 13 Sep

Farma Doupov

Ing. Břetislav Hutárek
Mašťov, 431 56
+420 602 420 344

Black Angus

390 heads, 171 mothers

Břetislav and his family arrived at the current farm site in 2003, when it was a devastated demolition site. They have been gradually reconstructing it. They established the farm based on a strong connection to nature and the revival of old local traditions. Situated near the Doupov Mountains, they are never far from the forest. With a proximity to hunting, they have their own game enclosure where they breed red deer, fallow deer, and mouflon. Their Aberdeen Angus cattle are fed exclusively with high-quality feed from their own plant production, or they graze outdoors. To ensure top meat quality, the animals are slaughtered at a nearby slaughterhouse and the meat is transported to their aging chambers, where it matures for at least 40 days. As Břetislav explains, ‘for those seeking the perfect steak, nothing compares to properly aged meat in terms of tenderness, aroma, and flavor’. Currently, they offer a variety of products, including whole matured quarters and game sausages. Their customers range from butchers and exclusive restaurants to even a school canteen. The products are available through their e-shop, on-site sales, or their mobile Grill Trailer.
Thu 14 Sep

Farma Kozák

Ing. Pavel Kozák
Cunkov 18, Jistebnice, 391 33
+420 777 346 045

11 purebred breeds, mostly Charolais and Limousine And Blonde dAquitaine, Belgian blue, Beef Simmental, Angus, Hereford, Bazadaise, Salers, Parthenais, Aubrac
250 heads

Have you ever witnessed a crossbreed between a bison and a cow? If not, let Pavel Kozák tell you how he achieved that. Alongside Pavel's impressive collection of eleven different cattle breeds, his farm is also home to bison, water buffalo, and Quarter Horses. Aptly nicknamed 'Bison', Pavel is well-known among fans of an isolated island adventure series. He has a passion for travel and a history of helping his father with cattle as a young boy. After a successful career in cattle trading across Europe, Pavel purchased a farm in 1996. Starting with just five Limousine cows, he expanded his herd through natural breeding and embryo transfer, allowing him to access valuable genetics not readily available in the Czech Republic. Prior to 2000, the South Bohemian region lacked a beef cattle breeding facility until Pavel Kozak purchased and reconstructed a stable, establishing the Cunkov Breeding of Pedigree Bulls Ltd. The facility conducts performance testing, assessments, and utility control of beef bulls, and hosts bull selection and pedigree auctions (300–350 bulls sold in four sessions each year). Pavel maintains such a diverse range of cattle breeds due to the presence of the breeding facility. Pension “U Bizona” features a restaurant and covered outdoor grandstand for auctions and various events.
Thu 14 Sep

Statek Rantířov

Matěj Šasek
Rantířov 4, 588 41
+420 732 628 651

Black Angus

280 heads, 100 mothers

Since 1927, the Šasek family has been the proud owners of their farmstead, with Matěj now carrying on the farming legacy as the fifth-generation farmer. However, for almost four decades, the farm fell under the control of the communist regime. It wasn't until 1993 that the family was finally able to resume their farming activities. Their introduction to Aberdeen Angus breeding came about through a combination of odds and an encounter with Canadian ice hockey players. While contemplating the best use of their unproductive land, the players, who were training nearby, told the family about the exceptional Aberdeen Angus cattle in Canada. Inspired, they bought the first three black Angus cattle from Austria. Over time, they expanded their herd through embryo transfer and eventually embraced insemination techniques. In addition to their impressive black Angus herd, the farm specializes in crop cultivation and forestry. Visitors to the farm will also have the opportunity to admire a magnificent farmhouse mansion with origins dating back to the 15th century.
Fri 15 Sep

Švéda farms

Ing. Jan Švéda
Nad Březinkou, 760 01 Zlín
+420 603 412 190

Black and red Angus

Over 500 heads, 250 mothers
Romney sheep, 50 Pinzgau cattle

Jan Švéda started farming on a 14-hectare plot after returning from abroad. Utilizing his agricultural education from England and his experience working on farms in Australia, he established his first farm in 1996. Today, he owns four agricultural companies. Together with his colleagues, they have transformed all arable land into grassland and pastures where they breed Aberdeen Angus cattle and Romney sheep. The animals are raised on pasture, leading to their healthy, mature, and unstressed development, without the need for concentrated feed. Calving takes place naturally outdoors, and calves rely solely on milk and grass for growth. The Aberdeen Angus breed is well adapted to the local climate and performs well even during the worsening annual droughts. Animals with a medium build, good depth and width dimensions are preferred. They are accustomed to walking long distances, especially during dry seasons, which is why they also have a good hoof horn. The farm work with animals on horseback and move them between pastures over longer distances. The initial cows in the herd came from Canada, and breeding bulls have been imported from Denmark, England, and Scotland over the years. Current bulls have origins from Scotland, America, Canada, or Australia, among others. The farm sells breeding bulls, heifers and store cattle and transports them to international clients. They also provide consultancy services for aspiring breeders and welcome visitors interested in selecting breeding animals on-site. Additionally, in 2015, they started to milk cows of the Pinzgau breed imported from Austria (See

Fri 15 Sep

Farma Vrbětice

Ing. Pavel Šeliga and Ing. Simona Šeligova
Vlachovice 329, Vlachovice 763 24
+420 604 327 664

Black Angus

70 heads, 55 mothers
Romney Marsh sheep (300 ewes and 5 breeding rams)

Angus, Romney Marsh, and wool scouring in the White Carpathians - these are the distinctive highlights of Farma Vrbětice. The farm, established by Pavel Šeliga in 1996, grazes both cattle and sheep year-round on 260 hectares of permanent grassland within an ecological regime. The cattle herd follows a harem breeding system, with two groups of cows and breeding heifers assigned to a bull. Sheep breeding on the farm focuses on meat and wool production. One special feature is the professional scouring of sheep wool. Scouring operations began in 2012 as a solution to the common problem faced by breeders: "what to do with sheep wool?" With a vision for future collaborations with neighbouring breeders and the construction industry, the farm set up a complete line for scouring and processing sheep wool. Processed wool is then shipped to customers. The farm also holds livestock sales for live lambs, heifers, and Aberdeen Angus bulls, as well as an annual Buying Market for breeding ram lambs.
Sat 16 Sep

Farma Koňákov

Gustav Kotajny
Hradišťská 34, 735 62 Český Těšín-Koňákov
+420 602 550 841

Black and red Angus

320 heads, 125 mothers

The Koňákov farm, nestled in the picturesque Beskydy mountains, is a family endeavour that dates back to the Kotajny family's ancestors who arrived from France in 1848. Initially a farm and a hospitality business, it has evolved into the successful modern Kotajny family farm. Guided by a long-term vision, they aim to produce quality meat within a sustainable system, while honouring their farming heritage. Their herd comprises Aberdeen Angus, well-suited to the region's hilly terrain and cooler climate. The farm's genetic excellence places it among the top 10 in the Czech Republic. In 2020, the farm achieved the remarkable feat of being the second-best farm in Czechia. The family exports breeding heifers to countries such as Spain, Portugal, Romania, Poland, Russia, or Slovakia. They operate their own butchery where the meat is aged before being sold on-site. In fact, they were the pioneers of on-site sales in Moravia, establishing this approach in 2000. In their commitment to sustainability, the farm makes use of renewable resources such as a composting facility, photovoltaic panels, and wind turbines to provide heat for the farm buildings. Additionally, they actively contribute to their local community by offering practical training to aspiring agricultural students and hosting public events. Positioned along a popular cycling route, the farm offers visitors a unique experience, with the concrete silo doubling as a lookout tower. Their latest endeavour involves establishing a store dedicated to regional food products, complemented by a restaurant that will serve Angus beef.

Sun 17 Sep

Farma Dvořák

Ing. Josef Dvořák
Telecí 38, 56994 Telecí
+420 607 120 007

Black Angus

Over 175 heads, 79 mothers

Josef Dvořák was born into a farming family in 'Telecí', a village aptly named the 'Calf', located on the border of the Czech Highlands. Josef pursued studies in agriculture but remained determined to pursue a career as a professional cross-country skier. He later worked as a lumberjack, which allowed him to engage with his beloved horses. Following the fall of the communist regime in 1989, Josef's family reclaimed their land and farmstead, and returned to farming. While they initially acquired Danish Ajshoj heifers during Christmas of 1995, Josef soon shifted his focus to Aberdeen Angus cattle and his beloved Scotland. One day, while browsing through his father's old farming book, a drawing of an Aberdeen Angus bull caught Josef's attention. He was drawn to the breed’s distinct black colour and its Scottish origin. He wondered if this breed would thrive in the sloping hills and stony soils of the Czech Highlands. Josef took every opportunity during his visits to Scotland to explore Aberdeen Angus and introduce his Czech friends to the breed's native country. This sparked a significant surge of interest in UK breed genetics and cross-country collaboration among Czech breeders. Initially, Josef expanded his herd using his own cattle, later adding more through purchases. Today, he and his wife, Iva, manage a pedigree herd of around 80 cows. They also take pleasure in breeding Czech-Moravian Belgian horses, Suffolk sheep, Czech geese, and Czech Gold Brindled hens.
Mon 18 Sep

Farma Havlíkův dvůr

Josef Havlík
Osek 88, 507 43 Sobotka
+420 777 403 883

Black Angus

200 heads, 50 mothers

‘I was immediately drawn to the solid black colour, tenderness of the meat, and especially the genetic polledness. I still prefer ribs with a slight bump to pierced lungs.’ This is how Josef Havlík explains some reasons behind his ultimate choice of the Aberdeen Angus breed. Maintaining a family tradition of agricultural production that has spanned over a century, Josef started farming with his father in 1991. The farm transitioned from dairy cattle to crop production later in the 90s. But a pivotal change came one summer night in 2014. While grilling steaks made from overpriced and disappointingly low-quality meat, they playfully entertained the idea of producing their own high-quality meat and assuming full control over the entire production process. What started as a joke soon turned into reality. Within a year, they had 25 Angus cattle grazing on their meadows, now grown to 200. Managing 240 hectares of land, the farm employs state-of-the-art cooling technology for maturing Aberdeen Angus beef in specialized boxes. The traditional process of dry aging for 21 days and with no packaging ensures the meat reaches its optimal maturity, colour, aroma, and tenderness—qualities that epitomize Aberdeen Angus beef. The matured meat is sold on-site, where the farm proudly serves their exceptional burgers crafted exclusively from their own matured beef. Running year-round, their bistro operates on the strength of its reputation, with sales primarily driven by positive word-of-mouth. Finally, the family can fully indulge in the true pleasure of summer grilling, as the quality of their meat is undeniably superb. And Josef developed an appreciation for horned animals by establishing a herd of Italian Chianina cattle, the sole breed of its kind in Czechia.

Short story

As early as 400 BC, the Celts would graze red cattle in what is now the Czech region. But only a few decades ago did Czechia start to breed beef cattle. Historically, red cattle was used for milk, beef and work. From the 17th century onwards, local farmers began crossing their cattle to other European dual-purpose breeds. Fleckvieh became and remained the dominant breed until the late 20th century. After the end of WWII, the newly established communist regime confiscated all privately owned land and turned most pastures into crop land. They pushed cattle into sheds, wrongly expecting better economic outcomes. When they realized their mistake, the authorities decided to set up beef cattle grazing in mountainous areas. They launched their plan with the import of over a thousand Hereford heifers from Canada in 1974. Yet, the absence of crucial know-how inevitably led to a limited success.

The main boom of beef cattle finally came after the fall of the communist regime in 1989. Once again, Canada played a key role, with one man, Miloš Menhart, at the forefront. Born in communist Czechoslovakia, Miloš fled to Canada as a young vet. Over time, he went into the international trade with cattle genetics. In 1991, his company M.I.L.O.S. Inc. brought the first Angus heifers to Czechoslovakia on a cargo flight from Canada. Within the next five years, they delivered 1800 heads, half of them Angus. And in 1996, the company imported the first red Angus. In the meantime, Czechoslovakia peacefully split into two countries, Czechia and Slovakia. Mr. Menhart successfully convinced Czech authorities of the benefits of beef cattle for Czech agriculture at a time it was undergoing dramatic changes. Importantly, Mr. Menhart’s contributions go well beyond the transfer of cattle and equipment. His most indispensable gift is the transfer of knowledge to the inexperienced breeders. Czech Angus breed has enjoyed increasing popularity, with 5000 pedigree calves from 150 individual herds registered just last year. Ten times as many are reared as commercial cattle. Angus competes with Charolais for No. 1 among local beef breeds. A successful local market has developed for the breeding bulls, while pedigree heifers have been sold mainly to emerging markets in southern and eastern Europe, and in central Asia. Many Angus farms run their own meat off farm sale.

Arrival of Canadian Angus, including first red animals, to their new Czech home in 1996
Members of Czech Aberdeen Angus Association at a recent show
Members of Czech Aberdeen Angus Association at a recent show